The "Essential" Parasite
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 December 29 2023

    Posted on December 29, 2023 by john 

    Dear Friends,  

    It seems to me, Biden is the perfect deep state President. Being the acme of corrupt he’s as purchasable as a candy bar at Walmart. That puts a long lever on him, with the deep state’s hand pulling it. The administrative state is the real power in the West today… and you can judge by the results, how wonderful it is as a form of government. The economy is humming along with a swarm of bees under the hood, crime is unheard of in the elite’s neighborhoods, and the world is as quiet as an artillery duel. Biden is merely a figurehead. He does and says what he’s told, so his boy doesn’t go to prison for bringing cocaine into the White House. The more he gets away with the more beholding he is to the administrative state. Making Biden a deep state puppet, everything he wears, has strings attached.

    The tendency is to blame Biden for the litany of recent failures, but in fact, they’re the failures of the administrative state. Machiavelli said, a wise prince uses a fall guy when he has to harm his people, then blames the fall guy, and punishes them… to win the love of the people. Biden isn’t in charge. He’s the deep state’s fall guy. Whenever Biden says, “They’ll get mad at me…” he’s telling us he isn’t in charge. Someone else is. The permanent state, the administrative state, also called the deep state, was the author of that tragedy. As every failure is the fault of the deep state that controls the half wit in the oval office. Biden is a figure head, to give the bureaucracy’s unamerican rule the appearance of legitimacy. Biden is a patsy. The Afghanistan debacle (and all the others) are the fault of the deep state.

    The administrative state has been slowly wheedling its way into complete power for decades. Woodrow Wilson, a singularly bad President, instituted the Federal Reserve along with a host of other anti American agencies and ideas. His favorite book was, Philip Dru Administrator. In which the constitutional government was replaced by a cadre of managers. A permanent government of dedicated bureaucrats. Public servants who would have the authority to do what needed to be done. Along with the university trained experts to call the shots. Laying out the map to utopia. The Supreme Court has been instrumental in paving the legal road for the administrative state to ride in on. Since then, the deep state has grown like kudzu, strangling the constitutional government.

    The expert managerial “class” or new class as Alvin Gouldner called them, are utterly in love with themselves, their own knowledge and their moral superiority. Why wouldn’t they be? They are after all, smarter than the rest of us, proven by their advanced degrees, more far sighted than us, proven by their vast knowledge, and more moral people than us, proven by their lack of attachment to traditional mores and values, and their astounding ability to devise new customs, as the Girondins and Jacobins did after the French Revolution. The experts are so smart they consider themselves Nietzsche’s supermen. Able to discover morality by intellectual endeavor instead of out dated tradition. Residing in an echo chamber, atop an ivory tower, the elite need only hear the dulcimer tones of their intellectual equals.

    The administrative state, that made itself “necessary,” is as inept, arrogant and self unaware… as it is corrupt. Ask any bureaucrat if he’s essential. Her answer will fill books with it’s volume, anger and ferocity. As would you or I, should our cushy 120k a year job with solid gold benefits and an 80% retirement, be jeopardized. Javier Melie calls permanent government, “parasites,” and I think he’s right. Arrogant people aren’t smart, abuse of authority doesn’t prove truth, and using a patsy as a fall guy isn’t a sign of moral superiority. As much as blaming Biden, for the failures of the administrative state is enjoyable, it’s counter productive. Put blame where blame is due. At the feet of the elitist, new class, expert bureaucrats, who are the real power behind every throne today.


    John Pepin

    administrative state biden bureaucracy constitution court deep state echo chamber eliteist experts intellectuals ivory tower law legal mark new class parasite patsy permanent washington utopia wilson
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