
Bret Weinstein Interview - updated political predictions about Marxism in US

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ikicker   Jun 23rd, 2020


Describing the current BLM movement: "It is unfortunately a zombified collective fighting a boogeyman." Bret believes that the people leading the movement aren't leaders, they are essentially influencers, and influencers don't have the ability to negotiate on the behalf of the movement. He thinks that if there is something that can keep terrible things from from happening here and abroad as have happened in history, it is our common American values and something in the structure that prevents horrible things from happening here. He believes this movement leaves room for warlords to emerge and consolidate power. Protesters and rioters have left themselves no way out of this scenario that ends well. Bret Weinstein believes what we are seeing now is occupy 2.0 (the original occupy had a real purpose), which morphed into an anarchist movement and has merged with Black Lives Matter. The idea that you can defund the police first before rethinking how it works is part of what he dubs the Evergreen fiasco. Less funding isn't the solution - more funding is to get better training and higher qualified candidates.