
Ep. 53 Xenophon's "Anabasis" Book 1

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The Partially Examined Life   Jul 29th, 2021


Brian, Shilo, and Jeff start their reading of Xenophon's great adventure story, "The Anabasis" -- or "Ascent" -- "of Cyrus." We have a new Cyrus; is he the same as the old Cyrus? How is Cyrus the Younger different from Cyrus the Great? (Is he Cyrus the not-so-Great?) And whose ascent is Xenophon's title talking about, since Cyrus the not-so-Great (spoiler alert!) dies at the end of Book 1? Lastly, what is Xenophon, that other student of Socrates, doing in Cyrus' army of ten thousand Greek mercenaries? Answers to all these questions, and more!