
The SCIENCE behind my sexuality change

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JosephNicolosiJr.   May 14th, 2022


A landmark new study details how treating traumatic childhood memories can lead some adults with LGBT attractions toward heterosexuality. The study, published in the Journal of Human Sexuality examined 75 adult males who reported same-sex attractions and wished to explore their sexual attraction fluidity. Participants worked with professional therapists using Reintegrative Therapy, a treatment method that seeks to identify and resolve past traumatic memories. 

Unlike so-called “conversion therapy,” a catch-all term which can include any discredited form of unscientific approach attempting to change sexuality, Reintegrative Therapy resolves memories clients identify as being traumatic. The sexuality changes are a byproduct. In fact, actively attempting to change one’s sexuality might interfere with this process. 

Independent researchers assessed the participants’ sexual thoughts, feelings, behaviors and identity – all of which demonstrated changes away from same-sex attractions and toward heterosexual attractions. On average, participants demonstrated significant decreases in psychological distress, such as anxiety, depression, and suicidality. They also showed significant overall increases in measures of well-being. 

So why are so many people unaware of this? The scientific data and client testimonials are being systematically suppressed. This video has been BANNED from YouTube as "hate speech."

In doing so, YouTube has cut sexual abuse victims off from the scientific information they need to make healthy decisions for themselves and their sexuality.

Of course, YouTube is a private company, and they have the right to ban whatever they want. But when a mega-corporation systematically surpasses one side of a scientific debate, it effectively shapes public opinion to its will, and thereby contributes to purveying health misinformation— a practice YouTube preaches loudly against.

The ultimate victims here are the clients, who are effectively denied access to information about alternatives for their sexuality and their lives. Therapists also suffer. Most therapists will not offer clients sexual attraction fluidity exploration because they’ve been told there is not enough research into its safety or efficacy.