
Exodus Clip: The Parallels Between Noah, Moses, and Water

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Jordan Peterson   Nov 26th, 2022


The first two episodes of Exodus, a sixteen-part series on the second book of the Bible, are available now exclusively on DailyWire+. In Exodus Dr. Peterson is joined by formidable theological and literary scholars for an in-depth analysis of the second book in both the Christian Bible and the Torah. Exodus is also a profound demonstration of the way in which God continues delivering freedom from tyranny. Scholars at the table are Dr. Douglas Hedley (Professor of the Philosophy of Religion, Cambridge University), Dr. Os Guinness (English Author and Social Critic), Dr. James Orr (Assistant Professor of Philosophy of Religion, Cambridge), Dennis Prager (author of the Rational Bible Series, Co-Founder of PragerU), Dr. Stephen Blackwood (President of Ralston College), Gregg Hurwitz (novelist, screenwriter, and comic book creator), and Jonathan Pageau (Christian thinker and artist).

In Exodus, Part 1, Jordan discusses with a group of religious scholars, writers, and artists, the third chapter of Exodus. Themes explored include Moses’s openness and willingness to respond to God’s call, the possibility of transforming evil to good, being, and man’s relationship with the divine.