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The Southern Baptist Convention and the Subordination of Scripture | OnlySubs 80

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New Discourses   Jan 28th, 2022


In April of 2019, the famously conservative Southern Baptist Convention adopted an infamous resolution, Resolution 9, bringing into the Convention both Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality "as an analytical tool subordinate to Scripture." This is, at best, a fundamental misunderstanding of Woke Marxism (thus CRT/I), which are explicitly designed to identify anything they are put in subordination to, subvert that thing, and then occupy a position of dominance over it (which they deny they are doing). In this must-listen episode of my subscribers-only podcast, James Lindsay OnlySubs, I go into this facet of Theory and raise important questions about why anyone would think this was a good idea. Join me to hear all about the threat from within to a conservative religious icon.

-James Lindsay