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What is a Female Narcissist?
Right Away
 November 04 2024 at 08:07 pm
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The Female Narcissist Certainly, the term narcissist floats in society like a hot air balloon as we seek to compartmentalize behavior. I recently discovered that the personality expresses itself differently depending on sex. Here is a list of observable behaviors that DESCRIBE attributes of a female narcissist. No single attribute can answer the question, "Are you a female narcissist?" but they were close enough to home for me to want to share them and solicit your comments. Your participation is integral to the design of Thinkspot, and that is how it thrives! FM stands for female narcissist. 1) The FM does not have the ability or desire to self-reflect or take any responsibility. She cannot see anything overtly wrong with what she did. She focuses fault in her husband's reaction. The core assumption is that every ailment was caused by the husband because, to her, there was no problem with her behavior until he reacted. At her core, she believes that the husband (not necessarily his behavior) is the problem, and she uniquely holds the role of victim. 2) When an FM begs a man to stop his behavior, she pushes him past his limits to make her point. When he predictably snaps, she acts disgusted (among other things) at his reaction and justifies her victim role. She embellishes the victim role at any future opportunity to reiterate her claims that the husband is the root cause of the problems. 3) When an FM gets her husband to snap, she will use it as emotional fuel to turn colder and meaner in an attempt to make him doubt and hate himself. She will accent the desired outcome by ceasing to touch him or allow for intimacy. She is attempting to get him to subconsciously believe that he is the problem, not his behavior. This one resonated with me. 4) The biggest sign that a man had yoked himself to an FM is the changes that he makes after the breakup. He stays single, doesn’t party, and starts to take care of things he has always wanted to do. He transforms himself to erase parts of the version of himself that he had been coaxed into believing was core to his identity and back into the version of Himself that God sees. I personally have a big AMEN to this one. 5) The FM will go out of her way to appear generous and thoughtful, especially to strangers, neighbors, and peers. It is a very carefully curated image in an attempt to conceal the cruel nature that she put on display in private when she ended the relationship. It is ironic that for many men, the FM created an environment that can trigger suicide, yet they overwhelmingly conclude they did nothing wrong. 6) Nearly 80% of divorces for people over 40 are initiated by women. When these women are asked when they ended their marriages, they often state their primary reason, which is that it is time to start prioritizing themselves instead of the family. Although this point isn’t exclusive to FM, it remains a disturbing trend of placing self ahead of others. 7) The FM is an excellent actor, excelling at pretending that they did nothing wrong in the demise of a relationship, even when confronted with their behavior. Their behavior choices always remain connected to their husband’s previous behavior. She uses selective storytelling to seek affirmation that he was and is the problem. The behavior profiles had more items that described the FM, but I had a personal “Yes, sir!” for these seven. As I take a look at the biblical perspective on the role of a wife, I think it appropriate to start at the beginning. God noted that it was not good for Adam to be alone, and he offered to make him a “helper.” He uses a word for helper that appears 20+ times in the Old Testament that God typically uses to describe himself. Note that he made this claim this long before he made Eve or even before Sin entered into the world. It is a design characteristic of a healthy pairing. God states the obvious when he says that a man needs a helper, yet it breaks my heart to see how far the perception of what that helper looks like has devolved. It is sad. The discovery that an FM has been quantified and researched does provide some explanation, but it doesn’t address the problem. I am open to ideas that don’t extort “toxic masculinity” as a root cause.
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The distinction between tragic and evil – a...
Florin Dragos Minculescu
 November 06 2024 at 04:53 pm
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Creativity is the process by which what is, being subjected to transformative processes, through decomposition, reorganization and mixing, acquires another purpose or meaning. A brush that has been dipped in a mixture of coloring substances is passed over a white canvas, and what results may be indifferent to us or may cause admiration or disgust.What is aesthetic, therefore meets the characteristics of admiration, pleasantly surprises us, causes wonder and has gravitational power over us, attracting us. The opposite of the aesthetic is what is not pleasing to the eye and makes us look away. Both the aesthetic and the unaesthetic have the potential for perplexity, surprise, but the unaesthetic causes us the opposite of wonder, it causes us stupefying and disgust. Admiration itself excites the mimetic instinct, we want to be the same, we want to embody or possess what we admire - worship. Disgust has an inhibitory effect on us and we want to get rid of the characteristics of the unaesthetic.Life as a whole is a succession of transformative processes, but at the segment level, the process has a definitive character, the segment enters a process of decomposition and that's it. Death is a disaster, a natural disaster, part of life as a whole, it is a tragedy and it is unaesthetic through the definitive and generally brutal discontinuity that occurs, but the prey, despite the violence of its death, supports life, so the distinction between life and death is very volatile, deceptive, possibly illusory. Humanity, through its natural sensitivity to the aesthetic and the unaesthetic, has become aware of these aspects of existence.Man has also understood the mechanisms that determine death and has observed that pain accompanies death, disgust being a reaction to the violence and brutality of death, to suffering. Man discovered himself to be vulnerable both physically and mentally and believed that in the light of the knowledge acquired he could control, use or even stop his own suffering without consequences.The fruit of the knowledge acquired has intoxicated us and not infrequently we have found ourselves in a situation of admiring the unsightly. Who among us has not imagined the suffering of his neighbor?!?
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“ And God created man in His own image; in the...
Florin Dragos Minculescu
 November 09 2024 at 06:27 pm
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Marriage, as an event, is a celebration of the promise of the good of all. By allowing gay marriages, we have allowed the celebration of abnormality in the name of the good of only gays, because a gay marriage is not beneficial to society. Society has consequently been invaded by marginal concerns to the point of priapic adulation. The good of all is not such a simple phrase, the good of all means a relationship with the Good itself, a relationship that does NOT exclude the good of the gay community, on the contrary, it includes it, but the good of the gay community does not include the good of others by its very nature. The fulfillment (not pride, because there is a distinction between pride and fulfillment) that children, one's own children, bring to parents makes an important palette of experiences exclusive to heterosexual couples. Society is in a deep crisis, but materiality is not the cause. There is an important range of psychic experiences (emotions and feelings) that are exclusive to a ritualistic, religious existence. The trivialization of marriage has led to the trivialization of human nature per se. By accepting gay marriage, we have allowed ourselves to play with the buttons whose fine-tuning has been achieved over tens of thousands of years and which has brought us what for our ancestors is heaven itself, at least from a material perspective. Our imagination is the most powerful tool we have, but we have come to confuse imagination with fabrication. Ideology as a product of fabrication, that is, disconnected from reality, has brought us to the point where tens of thousands of children have been and are being mutilated. We must accept that human nature is not (anymore) inherently good but is a potential that must be honed in this sense, and tradition and Christianity provide us with the necessary structure in this sense. Words such as sacrifice, humility, contentment, gratitude, faith and God must be reintroduced into the vocabulary of our children. The meaning of the phrases: “ And God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.” and “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and the two shall be one flesh.” , must be rediscovered.

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