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Thoughts on the Impact of Global Migration:...
 October 13 2024 at 11:10 pm
By its very nature, “Nature” is not static; Nature moves and mankind – like nature – also moves. When we as a species were hunter-gatherers, we migrated in search of food because we didn’t hibernate as do the bear and the toad. We “moved” from places of scarcity to places where we could survive. But things changed when humanity became practitioners of agriculture. No longer chained to the hunt, man could remain in one place and that great innovation changed everything. No longer limited to small groups, mankind was able to build civilizations and the cities necessary to house them. We went from “tribes” to “peoples” and this inevitably led to conflict. Even as men became more able to feed and succor themselves, they became less able to live in peace and harmony for there was always the danger posed by other groups of men. Ergo, a mindset developed that it was better to remove (or absorb) competing groups than to have problems later on. And so, as a species, larger and stronger groups absorbed (or destroyed) other groups that might become a danger by virtue of their size and proximity. This strategy also used the movements of peoples but this was neither migration nor immigration – but invasion! For man was still seeking “the necessities of life,” but now the movement undertaken for that process was initiated with the understanding that he would destroy or absorb other human groups located within his declared destination. History is replete with invasions by one human culture of other human cultures and though we are no longer hunter-gatherers or even isolated “civilizations,” we continue to use this same process to displace groups of people by using other groups of people as the weapon of choice. However, we no longer speak of “invasion” – though that is what is being waged – but of “immigration” for that term is not nearly so threatening to those being invaded. But in this new millennia this ancient “replacement strategy” has become much more devious. For those involved who are using it understand that “immigration/invasion” requires more than just large numbers of people being sent to replace the native population. It is also important that those “replacements” not be of the same “type” as those they are meant to replace. And so, when an area is targeted for cultural extermination – such as Europe and North America – as most of the people in these areas are white, those running the show don’t “invade” using groups of people who are themselves of European origin and thus also white (see Australia &etc.). For, though new people might be moved into the target area, those people would in time naturally unite with the remaining people of their own background and history and thus fail to be useful agents in the devolution of the targeted culture (a/k/a: Western Civilization). No, to destroy the stronghold of one race and its culture, one must use other, different races with their cultures; that is, people whose appearance, languages and customs make clear that they are “not one of us.” It doesn’t matter what racial culture is being destroyed, it only matters that to destroy that culture, one must use other cultures that do not naturally adopt and adapt to the culture under attack! And that is exactly what is underway in the West today, and not just in the United States! Our “leaders” are using large numbers of people who are being removed from their own cultures and forced into cultures unable – and often unwilling – to accept them. This results in ongoing cultural (and sometimes actual) warfare and when the government of the target country is using these “invaders” for its own purposes, it perforce refuses to protect its own citizens leaving them without legal recourse. This is not “migration!” This is not “immigration!” Neither is it a matter of “misjudgment” but, in fact, it is a war being waged upon the invaded people and their culture for the purpose of ultimate conquest! As well, neither is that conquest limited to the target population for the invaders themselves and their cultures are also in the cross-hairs as this is a battle to destroy civilization in all of its manifestations in order to bring about something else; that is, the promised New World Order designed to make all earlier cultures irrelevant. Now, once we understand the nature of this “migration,” this “modern movement of people,” It becomes obvious that attempting to focus on the matter as if it were lawful “immigration” such as has happened in the past, is patent nonsense! If we could (or be allowed to) see what is going on, nobody would think to look at this as mere human interaction. In fact, we should no more address “accommodating migrants” while “managing domestic concerns” or become fixated on “humanitarian issues” than these matters would have occurred to the Germans on D-Day! We must address only those matters that arise during a full-scale invasion by a foreign enemy – for that is what is happening! And as with any people under attack, we should be thinking about defense and response, not accommodation! Those manipulating this invasion want ordinary people to see only other ordinary people; they don’t want us to see the “unattached” military-aged men or the soldiers of the cartels or the criminals who have robbed, raped and murdered innocent Americans absent the constitutionally guaranteed protection of their own government. I as an American, don’t want to “accommodate” them; I want them gone together with those who arranged to bring them here in order to make war against us. For if they remain than the United States of America ceases to exist – and that is unacceptable! Therefore, to comply with this ongoing “invasion” by labeling it immigration(!) and considering how best to bring it about “humanely,” is to be complicit in the death of our once great nation. There’s a name for that. It’s called treason.

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