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Knowing The Unknown
Florin Dragos Minculescu
 December 02 2024 at 04:31 pm
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From an early age, I was interested in knowledge—not knowledge for its own sake, but for the effect it produces: awareness, and more precisely, the state of wonder that accompanies awareness. About knowledge, over time I understood that there are three levels: theoretical, experiential, and ultimately contemplative. Theoretical knowledge informs you by offering a conceptual perspective, but it is followed—or should be followed—by putting into practice what was previously conceptualized, which means that experiential knowledge is superior to theoretical knowledge. The highest form of knowledge is contemplative knowledge, and it does not exclude other forms of knowledge, being thus a form of existential knowledge in the sense that this type of knowledge is simultaneously experienced in all its forms. We, humans, are beings who, beyond physiological and social needs, also have needs of consciousness. Material poverty is not the only form of poverty that a person can suffer from, because there are also cultural poverty, spiritual poverty, vocational poverty, and even poverty of consciousness. Being aware that we are conscious, we are inevitably in a state of thirst for awareness, and this hunger for novelty is, in my view, the essence of our existence in existence. Recently, I received a gift from my children of Dr. Jordan Peterson's latest book, "We Who Wrestle with God," and at the same time, the first episode of "The Gospels" series appeared. I will end with these verses: Consciousness shape They said billions of years, Since its beginning, Matter has traveled, To its morning. Sleeping light is awakening, Through flesh and blood, Is making its way, To its rising. The heaviness of stone sleep, Through inner Sun's grace, Is gradually removed from eye, To its clarity. They called it the matter, But little do they know, That matter is pure.. Unaware awareness! by Florin Dragoș Minculescu

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