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Depravity and The Problem of Conscience
 December 11 2024 at 06:05 pm
There are differing levels of awareness of philosophical "problems." I am proposing to speak to those who are aware of a kind of Mind / Body problem involving bodily depravity and spiritual conscience. A "problem" requiring an answer or at least a correct context in which to be resolved. I dare say that most human beings go through life without being troubled by an awareness of such matters. "Ignorance is bliss," is not a trivial observation. There are also those few who have transcended this type of problem by virtue of a special giftedness and/or a long investment in disciplined, indeed, sacrificial study. These enlightened few have worked through the postulated problem and have found it to be essentially no more than an error hiding in a seemingly necessary premise. Therefore, not easily discovered, but worth the effort. In those Christian churches that recognize sainthood as a possibility for living humans, we see an example or a demonstration of this kind of transcendence. Indeed, as a human achievement we see examples in many well-developed cultures. For myself, I speak as someone who has long sought this peaceful state of being; has come close more than once; and has failed, so far to, "be not afraid," on a sustained basis. There are two seemingly mutually exclusive approaches to the proposition that there is an unescapable problem to be resolved here. One approach is the Hard Science, or Materialistic, or Atheist, or Logical Positivist position insisting that only matter/energy and time and space can exist. From which mind, as a finite "emergent phenomenon," arises from a deterministic universe. Mind is nothing more than something that just happens given enough time and a number of necessarily perfect circumstances. One might wonder why anything at all should exist. But let us allow the proposed conditions for this thought experiment. Of course, this conclusion must be true IF sufficient Imagination is applied. Even an honest thinker can journey in thought from a Beginning that can be reasoned from the observed Cosmos out there and what can be observed of one's own inner being, both in the present moment. All of this reality can be experienced in a state of Oneness with All, while in a state of being at peace with the knowledge that one will die because that it what happens to all finite minds. Possible if the bodily fear of death has been mastered. However, this difficulty may be set aside by simply supposing that this death that seems so logically necessary for any honest assessment of what reality seems to require can be supposed to be an illusion after all, thus dismissing a premise of this very thought experiment. That being that there is nothing other than time and space, or said another way, that there are tangible things in motion, which implies time and space. This approach also suggests that things in motion can actually exist while imagined outside the observed context of ALL THAT IS. For the sake of simplicity of course. It is also postulated that we can know what is going on when no one is looking. What if only THE OBSERVED is actually all there is? Thus, we introduce the other self-consistent approach to the problem at hand. Christianity proclaims a Creator doing this creating and sustaining from beyond time and space as we ordinarily experience our world. We, being by definition made in God's image, are privileged to participate in this observing and more immediately tangible creating, even in our manifest imperfections. There is no soul / body problem, by definition, as Dr. Peterson is fond of saying. We simply are animal bodies conjoined with an immortal soul, thus if for no other reason, explaining why God should rightly care for us. The real problem this may pose for many Christians is just how much of our personal experience is "of the body" as such, and how much of what we experience is, of our soul, as such? While also remaining mindful that while living we cannot be a body separate from our soul. So, yes, I am proposing an unrealistic scientific thought experiment. Here again, it may be fairly admitted that not all believers are inclined to such reflections. "It's a gift to be simple," (and free). The short answer is to identify one's personal conscience as a survivor of our loss of Innocence personified in the Fall of Adam and Eve, created to walk with God in the Garden of Eden. All that is required is that every human person is conceived of as having this spark. Properly conserved and nurtured, this spark becomes the fire of a living soul in a living body. This we are invited to experience as a state of Peace transcending the fears and violence that our bodies are heir to. Sorry that I have to pause here. There may be more to say.
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Omar Zaid, M.D.
 November 26 2024 at 03:14 pm
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Figurative sons and daughters of G-d are aplenty in the Bible (see addendum), and since Al Qur’an says G-d teaches the same things to all prophets (Q 41.42), I treat the matter of monotheist purity in terms of conjugal chastity because the good faith of pure intent and practice preserves family, clan, and nation. Adultery, literal and spiritual, diverts or aborts grace that naturally obtains communal cohesion. Its toxic auspice subverts institutional integrity at all levels and must be compensated for by rituals that preserve the pretense of devotional loyalty’s proper focus, which is the compass of moral purity. This artifice happened to NOI. Its cultural identity parody remains intact at the cost of moral, spiritual, and fully-informed emotional development. I know this because they misplace the word honorable, indicating they also misplace faith and hope. While claiming heterosexual conjugal chastity is the most honorable of trustworthy human relationships, I also suggest it redeems civilization by refracting the light of divine aspirations at the apogee of human joinery to divine will. When properly constituted and honored, marriage is the primal institutional fractal. Its heartfelt devotional loyalty consciously attracts and applies inexhaustible cosmic fractals that help us avoid mundane calamities. Considering this and other arguments, I suspect marital fidelity is the microcosmic path to becoming little gods (judges), as mentioned in the bible; those peacemaking maintainers of social accords who ensure justice, starting with offspring. Ruling correctly over time, we ideally become G-d’s praetorian mediators on earth —the Elves of Tolkein fame, if you will — indicating children-of-G-d who are fiercely armed with discernment per immanent guidance. NOI's founding god-men, Fard & Poole, claimed this status but made little progress in achieving its beatitude status. As described in Sexology For The Wise, chaste marital fidelity obtains the consciously shared vision of Jacob’s Ladder; what I call the Dao of divine order. It matters not what you call it, but most couples initially consider its shared hope a path of near-paradisaical comfort not otherwise obtainable.* Nonetheless, and like repentance, marriage naturally follows its baccalaureate honeymoon with ongoing re-creative processes that birth degrees of graduate transfigurations for both parties, providing they pass the trials it brings. It is a grail of trans-mutational power that specifically expresses the promise of fulfillment when wills are united. This penultimate consummations begins the challenging journey of conjugal integrity that assures satisfaction after attracting and keeping supernal grace active. When properly nourished and maintained, the garden in which the tree of conjugal fidelity grows keeps love alive. Its humbling journey also takes time and supernal effort. * See: Your Closest Neighbor: A Marriage Manual Sexology For The Wise Spousal communion at this level of consciousness peaks after keeping the 11th, 1st, and 7th Commandments of Marriage, whereby we do not entertain the worship of strange gods with another partner (strange flesh) after learning, by mutual experience, that we partake in divinely designed aspects of ecstasy only when abjectly submitted to fulfilling each other’s needs while, at the same time, helping them meet their destiny. If this does not happen, destiny gives way to fatalism; and then, failing re-education, it may be best to divorce in peace. Hence, I suggest conjugal fidelity’s initiatory experience holds hagiographic benchmarks on the road home to wisdom’s source. Meaning, if you cannot complete the experience for whatever reason—and there are many—it is wise to serve those who do so within the hierarchy of your community. Everyone who merits the franchise will know who they are by their fruits. In support of this claim, scripture variously calls redeemed humans G-d’s relatives. A woman in covenant marriage to a man-of-G-d is his wife. His trustworthiness and her fruitful satisfaction at his side in life, is all anyone who serves them ever really needs to know. Despite Margaret Mead's celebrated fictions written for the U of Chicago's Frankfurt School of Cultural Subversion, I propose that LGBT-friendly conjugal ethics and promiscuous standards are in no way inextricably woven into human existence as equal or preferred to the self-possessed morals of heterosexual fidelity.* Even so, clans of the uncoupled avidly apologize for the unrestrained lust of politically-correct, self-centered, anti-social aspirations that just lost Democrats the election to Mr. Trump, a beautifully married man. Selfishness at institutional levels of governance is often piloted by psycho-sociopath narcissists whose dark personalities commonly rise above sea levels as honored scum. * See Sexology For The Wise : “Playgrounds For The Uncoupled” of the Dark Personality (DP) profile of a Sociopath-Narcissist. Generally speaking they · are of higher intelligence and socioeconomic status; · have better impulse control capability; · are more adept at creating compelling facades,· engage more effectively in underhanded tactics that prevent exposure and accountability, · are better at grooming or manipulating others to support them, · are more likely to harm using methods that are subtle, ongoing, and leave no evidence, resulting in emotional and mental 'torture' which their targets/victims struggle to recount to others. · lead double lives, This forensic analysis describes NOI founders who also exhibited the following sadistic, ‘face-of-evil ’ traits: "... a cold-blooded sense of entitlement ... all members are but parts to be moved around and utilized ... The perpetrator enjoys causing harm to multiple others yet poses as a heroic 'Jedi knight' to justify their actions in the guise of 'fighting evil ... their entire public personality is a construct .... they use aliases to harm and hide wrongdoing." (ibid) Moving away from this incarnate malevolence, the cure was scientifically established and prescribed by Professor Unwin more than 100 years ago. His prescription was heterosexual conjugal boundaries that guard and preserve what is good for all: ... “Unwin’s three main predictions: the abandonment of rationalism, deism, and absolute monogamy, are all well underway, which makes the ultimate prediction appear to be credible ... the collapse of Western civilization in the third generation." See: Why Sexual Morality May be Far More Important Than You Ever Thought, Kirk Durston / / 03 Dec 2019” Hence, chaste monogamy charges us to be faithfully responsible for lifetimes of meaningfully fulfilling relationships, here & hereafter. Heaven commands it no matter the criticism offered. Repentance initiates the empathetic sublimation of shame and remorse, a process to which DP perps are averse. Successful processing of penitence also curtails the furtherance of incidental pathology as well as the karma of divine payback's nemesis (destiny’s obverse). Marital and spiritual fidelity enhance redemptive activities to mitigate arrested developments that fetter those who live in the muddy waters of denial and/or ignorance. Adversely, handicaps related to prurient eros become especially ubiquitous when society fails to correct or curtail behaviors that expose appetites for the selfish violation of others. Hence, it is best penitents “... willingly realizes the hurt or loss he/she once inflicted on others, in order to feel the full scope of damage and harm done ....”* This was the right honorable disposition of Malcolm-X before the fools zealously murdered him for their DP messiah. He exposed the prurient appetite of his former mentor and did not wait for the Judgement Day disclosure of Mr. Poole’s reprobation because he took responsibility for the souls he had foolishly misled. Thus, I caution NOI sympathizers not to repeat or support the politically-correct error of trite empathy, which is a kind of masochism that attends compounded ignorance and naively ushers friends, family and followers into apology processions for DP sadists mistakenly taken as heroes; a common enough human error because there are so many excellent fraudsters to choose from when unguided; for the unguided are also unguarded. Pugnacity is another definitive sign of arrested development in wanton societies saturated with impure fractal processors; which indicates the presence of many who fail to repent. Pretense never transcends; never matures. Moral embodiment does not occur because existential karma arrests development with destiny’s obverse token. Mr. Tolkein kindly taught us that to attain Rivendale Elven Status and access Rahim (supernal) grace on the same token's obverse, all responsible leaders must relinquish Rings of Personal Power; this humility enables genuine nobility. To the contrary, unchaste organizations pave this road with yellow brick glitz while breaking the fundamental law of grace that governs G-d's Kingdom within and without. Think Law of Moses to which The Son of Myriam recalled his nation and you will realiza that Jesus did not found Christianity any more than Mr. Poole founded the Dao of Islamistan. (See Forgotten Saints As in pre-dynastic Israel, Mohammad judged a Confederacy of tribes in Medina; each with their own chiefs and elders. He was no shah of exceptional sociopaths who conquered others to keep up with the Khans. To the contrary, rather than ascend the rungs of rahim grace by seeking union with like-minded prodigals found everywhere, NOI became a politically-correct institution who helped carry the White Man's Malthusian burden by stoking fires of racial tension, which is similar to what Ike Clanton, another DP, did for cowboys in Tombstone. Mr. Poole's polite tyranny conducted minor and major iniquities in the wake of canted missionary zeal stoked by thoughts of revenge. His mild-mannered, non-transcendent trance-making obtained ventriloquist pawns who, like so many Hari Krishna dolls, cast a widening net of star-and-crescent fez-topped spellbinders on un-redeemable street corners. It is far more appropriate to consciously position one's soul in submission to truth and take corrective action, individually and collectively. Repentance admits mistakes and humility paves the road for conscious development with sacralized citizens who are fully prepared to establish 'Son-of-Man' polities. This is no 'next-year-in-Jerusalem' fantasy but rather a divine plan of action that transforms us by dying to self-centered, sensual ambitions moment-to-moment. If pride or ignorance prevent this repair, we develop deep anxieties with socio-psychopathic tendencies leaning towards sadism or masochism, with our majority settling in the latter party. This happens to entire nations. There are many examples of this devilry. It is no different than that of the Aztecs. Ideally, the right honorably entrenched habit of daily repentance leads to resurrection and ascension. The unjaded pure of heart do it innately. Jesus referred to its transfiguration when he said; “... not my will but thine be done.” As Messiah, he reminded Jews, much to their chagrin, that the way out of Pharisee and Sadducee hell had previously been lit by the Decalogue rather than the Talmud. Howbeit, his job was not to rule over a Promised Land in Palestine but rather to act as guide to Jacob’s Ladder of Ascendance (The Beatitudes ) for all of us. Thus, his disciples are a communion of sons and daughters capable of planting and raising good seed through the initiation provided by his imitation. Death to selfishness requires no convent, blood-stained whip, or secreted sacristy with dark guardians. It is distinctly followed by the phoenix of life when faith literally becomes the substance of things hoped for as evidence of the unseen. This literal component of G-d’s covenant with Abraham was reserved for Ahmad* and attested to by early Christians who, like the people of Khadijah, were aware of the Gospel of Barnabas and fully expected the arrival of Mohammad who fulfilled Allah's plan to Ibrahim figuratively and literally.* All else is the hot air of Zionism, Christian and not. It is Mohammad who finally established The Kingdom, which Muslims have since lost. * See Forgotten Saints: The Gospel of Barnabas: Survey and Commentary, 2010, ISBN 978-983-065-312-9 ADDENDUM: BIBLICAL REFERENCES TO G-D’s FIRST-DEGREE RELATIVES “Israel is my son : say to Pharaoh, ’This is what the LORD says: “Israel is my firstborn son” (Exodus 4:22) This phrase refers of anyone or group of believers who reflects the Divine Light of Genesis called Significant Light. They incarnate the word of God = logos made flesh). Prior to Mohammad, Jesus and his mother were the purest , thus far incarnate, out of the pre-primordial reserve spoken of in Genesis. There are indications that a Yemeni Jewish sect called Ezra, was also referred to as a ‘Son of God’. Kenan was the son of Enosh. Enosh was the son of Seth. Seth was the son of Adam. Adam was the son of God. When Israel was a child, then I loved him and called my son out of Egypt. (Hosea 11:1) He said to me, ‘Your son, Solomon, is the one who shall build My house and My courts; for I have chosen him to be a son to Me, and I will be a father to him. (1 Chronicle 28:6) He who overcomes will inherit these things, and I will be his God and he will be My son. (Rev 21:7) Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them. (Job 1:6) Bene Elohim means ‘Sons of God’ Luke called Adam the Son of God (Lk 3:38); He that walketh in the darkness knoweth not whither he goeth. While ye have the light, believe in the light, that ye may be sons of light. (John 12:35–36). As many as received him, to them gave he the power to become sons of God. (John 1:12–13). Sons and daughters of men are followers of said prophets and prophetesses: He that soweth good seed is the son of man (of truth); the field is the world, and the seed is sons and daughters of the kingdom. (Matt.13:37–38) All is clearly metaphor. Hence, if NOI's founding gods were truly learned men, they should have safely pretended to be Sons of God and Man, respectively, minus apotheotic blasphemy.
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Ignorance and vulnerability
Florin Dragos Minculescu
 November 30 2024 at 12:40 am
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Humans are bipedal beings, and unlike other bipedal animals, we move only in an upright position. This geometry makes us extremely vulnerable, with the vast majority of our soft parts exposed, unlike other animals that move with their body positioned parallel to the ground, thus having their soft parts directed towards the ground. Our eyes and skeletal biophysics are designed for forward movement, with backward or lateral movement involving additional effort. Naturally, humans are designed to be an almost unidirectional being, and to be unidirectional, you need to voluntarily expose yourself to ignorance, because to focus, you must have the ability to become blind to all factors that could distract you. This, at least for a period of time, makes you extremely vulnerable. The dimension to which we expose ourselves is that of potentiality, and potentiality contains within itself both chaos and order. In the unknown, both predator and prey exist, and the result of the incursion into the unknown, into potentiality, depends on our skill. But skill is acquired through exposure to failure, so from the perspective of learning, we need to accept being optimally vulnerable, because you can't learn much in a secure environment. On the contrary, a secure environment makes you even more vulnerable by the fact that exposure to the unexpected and uncertainty are the necessary factors for developing a mechanism for relating to the unknown. No athlete will prove brilliant just by learning the rules of the game; they must be exposed to the game itself, and the athlete must dedicate themselves to the game, thus becoming ignorant of everything that the game is not. Our neurobiology allows us, when we are injured, to have the pain we feel numbed by the activation of the parasympathetic system, which floods our brain with one of the most powerful analgesics- epinephrine, meaning that we are capable of becoming ignorant of our own being when necessary. There is also a part of the brain called the midcingulate cortex, which develops and is activated only when we are willing to do what we do not like and only when we voluntarily choose to do what we do not like, such as when we fast or speak in public, when we are willing to approach unpleasant conversations, when we do contact sports, etc. – essentially, when we voluntarily expose ourselves to physical and/or intrapsychic pain. Hiding your vulnerability makes you ignorant of potentiality and deprives you of the ability to relate to the unknown, and then the encounter with "Mother Hubur who gives birth to everything" ( Tiamat / Enuma Eliș ) transforms into an encounter with the personification of a monstrous dragon that only knowledge and truth can defeat. Not being ignorant is an option, but not being vulnerable is not- we all die. By accepting vulnerability and adopting a humble attitude towards what constitutes existence, you begin to inform yourself and learn to extract order from the unknown.
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Our Father Which Art in Heaven
The Speaking Lions
 December 02 2024 at 11:06 pm
Reflections on the Lord's Prayer The model of all prayer. Here is the first paragraph: "Matthew chapter 6, in which Jesus dictates the Lord’s prayer, begins with him warning against the vanity of the “hypocrites” who “love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by men”. Instead, we are to pray in private and even in secrecy: “go into your room and shut the door and pray to your father who is in secret; and your father who sees in secret will reward you”. Now while Christians of course do pray in private and often alone, it is virtually unknown, perhaps apart from circumstances of persecution, for them to pray in secret. So the fact that Jesus speaks of God as “in secret” and as one who “sees in secret” is a clue that the word ‘secret’ is not being used in its regular sense here. God is a spirit (John 4:24) and not a visible object and so not something that can be exposed in public or hidden away under the bed. The “Hiddenness of God” is not that sort of hiddenness. God cannot be seen, but not because he is secreted away. No, the secrecy here is something more like the solitude of each human heart. This in itself does not preclude hypocrisy. The human heart is a deceiver and I can lie to myself. But God is not a deceiver and He is not deceived. A lying prayer is not even heard by God. The liar, by their deception, removes himself from admission to the secret chamber of dialogue with the divine. The condition of admission is truthfulness, and that truthfulness (which is much more than veracity) is “secret” in that a truthful speaker – even if reciting a prayer in public and with others – must speak alone in the sense of being uninfluenced by the passions of the mob, the threats and inducements of the world, and so on, but only by the dictates of a lucid conscience. We must make an effort, in prayer, to speak as if there were no audience but God. Even my own selection of words is liable to betray me, and that is surely one of the reasons Our Lord instructs us in a standard format. Not just any extempore words will do. Not even those charged with genuine emotion, for these words must be robust enough to survive the inevitable gusts and eddies of feeling and opinion. The words of the Lord’s Prayer make a language of divine civility, which, like the courtesies of everyday life, maintain our spirit when the flesh is weak." Full essay here: Reflections on the Lord's Prayer by Andrew Gleeson

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