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Nothing Something Explanation for the Cosmic...
 June 28 2024 at 01:25 am
How could it be that something formed from nothing, which is the apparent explanation we are left with. Well for starters we can at least be sure that in the beginning there was nothing. Nothing does not have to be created so it can just sit there eternally. But nothing is coincidentally also something, and is worth looking at it little more closely. In this nothing there must be endless potentials, including all the potential energy of the universe, making the big bang scenario at least least a little bit more likely. Nothing is also ever but something to a mind, which makes the observer an inextricable part of the explanation. How long can all the potential energy of the universe sit there before something happens, hence the phrasing 'nothing' 'something.' Perhaps this potential is enough, that it already is something, for the big bang to happen. In all these potentials there is only the possibility for something actual. There is no possibility of nothing itself and all this energy simply disappearing, without it actually disappearing into something. Nothing also, contains information, which will not be lost at the origin of the universe. More so, than The Big Bang, however, *nothing* *something* is an idea. The idea, is that nothing is worth looking at all by itself. Nothing Something That the laws of nature are in place whether or not there is any particular thing to act in or upon, requires a closer look at nothing, just to see exactly what's going on. That evolution exists, whether or not life exists. What exactly is natural selection acting upon when there is no life in existence? What is being selected for, and how?
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Explaaining the orgin of life with a...
 June 28 2024 at 04:01 am
if we proceed throughout the univers ewe shall find the origin of lif onlyhappned once in the past, and wil neer happen again. it was a miracle, perhaps of mutation. that explains and acounts for the origin o life , whereby non life mutated into life. this mutation expalins the origin of life and could also pass through stanley ureas experiments this mutation of non life into life acconuts for the miracle of biogesnsis/ what's intriguing here is that hel was of nature, are at work whether or not life or non lif exist. in other words, the theory of evolution is confimre,d even when there is no life. the answer is dna in existence, cna be acted on by muttaion until and selected for until it is alive once. thats the mircle here and the theme that nothing is something, to the laws of science, as there is still medium to act upon, nothing itself is subect to the laws of nature. jasfdkfda apsdfasjfadks asdjfasdfla asdljfladjsf therefore the theory of evolution acconuts for the origin and existence of life. mutation by abiogenesis, some would call it, whereby nonliving ingredientsz for lief, muttion into life, and proof and evidence othis is that way ahve mutation with us, to preserve life. withoutwhich dna wouldn't be even alive creating new information. dna has to create information to live, or else it has to die, and dna is enough to live in a virus. and is part of th propoenns of life in some bacteria. . this creation of life accounts for a miracle of biogenesis/ it aw a miracle, perh

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