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A Serpent to gaze upon...
 July 24 2024 at 09:38 pm
Notes from a parent Sorry Millennials and such. Perhaps it was the drugs, but somehow my Boomer generation really dropped the ball. After the sixties, we pulled ourselves out of the purple haze, straightened up and went to work. We found Truth after years of running from it. We never told our kids the disturbing details; we just told them to accept the truth we had found because we didn’t want them to experience a repeat of our wasted youth. We protected them with church, sports, activities, hobbies, video games, before sending them off to trusted institutions where one lefty unraveled all our hopes and dreams in one semester. What we couldn’t possibly imagine was that the original Devil was back at work and “his desire was for” our kids in a new and diabolical way. Like I say, it may have been the drugs, but some of the old Boomers who embedded themselves into dependent clusters of liberalism and government had discovered some new technology with which they could experiment on a generation of confused minds and bodies. Like an “accidental” release of a man-made virus, a cross-media "gender" ideology escaped from the former Psych labs and spread like Kudzu while at the same time, plastic-surgery-on-demand was popularizing “reality” TV, and depressed female patients over-dosing on prescribed hormones were sprouting mustaches. Only the Devil (them-self) could mash these trends into a hellish strategy to cancel a generation in its tracks. Well, that’s pretty much what happened… as I remember it. My family wasn’t spared. Unfortunately, the “experts” do not even hint at the collateral damage done to family, friends, reality, reason, etc., so for the benefit of those who think the Devil (and fiends) somehow missed their family, I have taken some notes along the way and am raising them here in two categories for the potential trans-parent to gaze upon, hopefully before the fiery serpents bite them. Here they are in no particular order (but note you will generally find out about them in the past tense): The Rejections Rejection of biological and scientific reality Rejection of traditional psychology Rejection of physical reality (limitations) Rejection of truth (measurable, proven) Rejection of meaning (language) Rejection of functionality Rejection of participation in biological future (humanity) Rejection of family (name, history, non-compliant members) Rejection of historical data Rejection of common sense (common side-effect of affirmation) The Affirmations Affirmation by sacrifice of healthy tissue Affirmation by human sculpting, manipulation Affirmation by cross-sex hormones Affirmation by re-programming of thought and speech Affirmation by a new legal name (identity) Affirmation by sterilization Affirmation by psychological non-treatment Affirmation by controlled, group filtered exposure to the world Affirmation by public policies (education, human resources) Affirmation by law (enforcement, lawsuits and intimidation) Now, if you are to remain in their life, what all must you affirm or reject? So far (and it’s been five years), I’m okay affirming the new name (in public); I’m just not willing to make self-delusional pretense a permanent feature of my self-perception or personality. I have become adept at pronoun avoidance, rather than falling into the pit of “He’s my daughter,” which, while capturing the preferred pronoun and my relationship to it perfectly, is probably unacceptable in borderline-woke company. Like anyone else, I pretend at many things, but as a child, I learned to stop the pretense when playtime is over. I can’t easily forgive those who continuously and publicly pretend at being understanding influencers, healthcare providers, legal support, teachers, and woke politicians but are corrupting the seed of the future with harmful and deadly “treatments,” propaganda and vacuous pride. You have received your attention and your financial reward; enjoy it while you can. You have caused troubled and confused children to stumble, and their Creator will be your judge - when playtime is over.

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