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The next Middle East conflict
 July 11 2024 at 10:57 pm
On October 7, 2003, Hamas unleashed one of the most horrific terrorist acts against Jews since the Holocaust. Of course, Israel retaliated with missile strikes on the Gaza Strip. Israel continues to send missile strikes because Hamas is still holding over 100 people captive in that part of Palestine. Hamas leaders really thought that Israel should not have retaliated even though Hamas started this conflict nine months ago. Their Islamic thinking had Hamas leaders so deluded that they believe that they should be allowed to terrorize anyone throughout the world without an inkling of retaliation. That's not how the world works. If someone starts a fight with you, then you have the green light to fight back. Their wayward thinking explains why Muslims follow a religion in which its main prophet was a pedophile who married a six-year-old while he was in his 50's. The biggest concern now is the next conflict in the Middle East after Israel finishes the job and totally demolishes the Gaza Strip by the end of this year. The next conflict that should start in 2025 between Israel and Hezbollah,the Lebanese group, over the Golan Heights will escalate quickly. We have seen a preview of this new conflict after Hezbollah fired hundreds of rockets into Israel back in April of this year with almost all of the rockets blocked by the Iron Dome defense. Israel retaliated with rockets of their own, but almost all of those rockets were blocked by Hezbollah. Both parties have been in a stalemate since their conflict in 2006. However, this conflict between Israel and Hezbollah will escalate next year because Hezbollah is continuing to become stronger and stronger due to them being backed by Iran and Syria. Iran is not vulnerable to an attack, but Syria is vulnerable to a sneak attack. The book of Isaiah talks about a war in the future that will take place between Israel and Syria. The first part of the battle is listed in Isaiah Chapter 17 where Damascus will be destroyed. In Isaiah Chapter 22, it states that the forces of Elam and Kir will retaliate and will uncover the shield (Iron Dome). Ancient Elam is modern-day Iran; ancient Kir is modern-day Syria. They will torch Jerusalem. The destruction that will be unleashed on Jerusalem will be so furious that the Dome of the Rock will be destroyed. That will allow for Israel to build the 3rd temple on that spot in the future. Finally, as listed in Isaiah Chapter 23, the entire nation of Syria will be destroyed when Israel retaliates after Jerusalem is struck. I was able to put this prophecy into poetic form in order for the masses to gain a better understanding as to what will happen next in the Middle East. You may be reading this and may be thinking that this is all a bunch of malarkey, but the new US defense bill states that every American between 18 and 26 are automatically placed into a military draft. Major war in the Middle East is coming soon.

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