Pracheta: The Forethinker
Significance of the Name "Pracheta" The name "Pracheta" is derived from two Sanskrit words: "pra" meaning "before" and "chetas" meaning "mind" or "consciousness." Thus, Pracheta can be translated as "forethinker" or "one who has foresight." This name signifies a person who possesses a forward-thinking mind, someone who anticipates and plans for the future. In the context of Hindu mythology and philosophy, such a trait is highly valued as it implies wisdom, prudence, and a deep understanding...
A Miracle In Butler, Pennsylvania
Yesterday, this nation received a miracle. A would-be assassin sought to end the life of Donald Trump, candidate for President. By an incomprehensible fraction, his bullet merely grazed the former President’s ear. At an estimated 130 yards, this fractional near miss was a miracle indeed. At that distance, the tolerances are so small that the shooter’s breath, the beating of his heart, or even the blink of his eye meant the difference between life or death for Trump. But, as shots rang out in...
Government’s green light for embryo research...
The Assisted Human Reproduction (AHR) Bill, which has been passed by the Oireachtas this week, has sparked some debate primarily around the issue of surrogacy. However, the Bill raises numerous other ethical issues that merit urgent attention, particularly with regard to embryo research and screening. Although the AHR Bill prohibits the creation of embryos specifically for research purposes, it allows the usage of ‘spare’ embryos created during in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments but not...
European Court of Human Rights turns down...
In some good news, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has recently ruled that there is no right to assisted suicide under the European Convention on Human Rights, allowing individual signatory States such as Ireland to continue banning euthanasia and similar practices. Last month, the ECHR ruled on the case of Dániel Karsai, a Hungarian lawyer suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Mr Karsai argued that Hungary’s ban on euthanasia and assisted suicide violated his human...
What Career Advice Were You Given As A Child?
As a child, I was given quite an unusual piece of advice by my parents regarding my career choices. When the time came to select my subjects in high school and later in college, my mother, with her gentle wisdom, said, "Study what you want." My father, standing firm beside her, echoed her sentiment but added his own pragmatism: "Study what you want, but make sure you earn your degree." In a country like India, this was a strangely bold and forward-thinking piece of advice to give a child on...
Marxism’s Appeal
Marxism’s Appeal Posted on July 3, 2024 by john Dear friends, It seems to me, Marxism appeals to the elite because communism and socialism empower the powerful, by justifying their authority. They need unlimited power to run the economy… for the best interest of the workers, then African Americans, and now, LGTBQ++ migrants. Abandoning, and eventually alienating each special interest group they used to pander to, as they evolve. Nevertheless, the elite who embrace the political might that...
Modern Bigots
Modern Bigots Posted on July 19, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, a society that gives special treatment to certain groups of people, is at it’s core bigoted. That’s how you can tell which groups have political favor. The elite as a group always have political favor. Due to their status as elites. Others however can become politically favored. By acting as a group, garnering sympathy, and inflicting violence. A way to gauge the political favor of a group is to examine if it’s...
Let's talk about skills
I have worked on computers and systems since I was 14 years old. My first run into a major problem was crashing the main-frame at my high school just trying to load a paper-tape program. Now I am an Application Support Engineer where my primary duty is to Evaluate the Performance of customer’s applications. In other words, I look at numbers to verify trends. One of the tangents of my work is to identify problems and offer solutions. Most of what breaks is due to changes in code, the rest is...
The First Trump Assassination Attempt
The First Trump Assassination Attempt Posted on July 14, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, the Trump assassination attempt exposes the secret service, and indeed the administrative state, as the abject failures they are. The Secret Service failed Trump, the courts fail justice, and our leaders fail us. It’s a system of failure from the top down. Of course there’s the stochastic terrorism angle. Where the elite have been vilifying Trump so hard an assassination or an attempt was all...
A Flawed System
A Flawed System Posted on July 7, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, a system where what’s legal and what’s illegal, doesn’t rest on common sense, justice, or human heartedness, but on how a microscopic group of elites think it should be… is fundamentally flawed. Flawed in a way so deep and profound that the flaw is a feature. Human systems will naturally have a human element. Even in an AI system of law. Someone had to program the AI. Where a flaw must be introduced, that flaw...
Progressive Leftwing Preference for Violence...
Violence is the foundation of progressive leftwing Democratic Party, socialist politics. Fundamentally, every law is enforced by the police. Progressive leftwing Democrats/socialists prefer using laws, rather than voluntary non-governmental organizations and rational persuasion, to force their ideas on everyone including dissenters. In contrast, libertarians prefer voluntary relationships and rational persuasion. It is this preference for the mass coercion of police-enforced laws that...
I'm A Right-Wing Jerk?
Apparently, I am a right-wing jerk! I couldn't help but laugh at this latest headline opinion piece from The Guardian. This isn't the first time I've seen a headline equating fitness and a healthy lifestyle with being right-wing. It seems baseless, possibly because the author dislikes people on the right or those who are healthy. To be clear, I don't align myself with the right or the left. I have a variety of views, but one thing's for sure: I am a fit person. It's unfortunate to see...
The Hypocrisy Of Inclusive Language
The Hypocrisy Of Inclusive Language Posted on July 17, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, “inclusive” speech is bullying, pretending to be kindness. The proponents of inclusive wording claim the rest of us have to use the language they demand we do else they’ll punish us… for the greater good. The term “illegal alien” is offensive to those who came here illegally. So they demand we don’t use the word, illegal alien. I suspect a rapist finds the word rapist offensive too, and so do...
Where's Joe? Its Been Six Days Since President...
President Biden on Marine One. ** Everything changed on Sunday. In the most dramatic transition of government since John F Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, President Joe Biden withdrew from the 2024 Campaign for President on Sunday. At least, that’s what we’ve all presumed. The President, or at least one of his aids, apparently typed a hastily written note indicating that he would no longer be a candidate in the coming election. The note was posted on “X” (the former Twitter)....
Power of education in Africa and the Jordan...
Over the past year, I’ve been working on an independent documentary about the power of education in Ghana and how a school is helping kids out of poverty through education. My documentary, EmpowerED showcases the efforts to give these students a chance to grow and learn, ultimately becoming future leaders, teachers, doctors, or whatever they aspire to be. It also showcases the transformative power of educational institutions on their communities and aims to inspire global conversations about...
Astonishing Hypocrisy
Astonishing Hypocrisy Posted on June 27, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems astonishing to me, that Israel is supporting Azerbaijan, in its genocide of Armenians!? I thought the words, “Never again,” rang in the minds of Jews across the world? Is it the case that the phrase is hollow? Depends on your definition of “never,” and “again.” While I fully support Israel’s right to exist and defend itself… I don’t support this move. Moreover, Israel is being charged with genocide of Gazans, in...
How To Manage Your Cash: The Warren Buffett Model
Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. ** Recently, my sister-in-law asked for suggestions on where to place some extra cash. She wants to refrain from investing these funds, as she may need them in the future. So, where's a good place to put idle cash?I get this question fairly often, and I'd like to explore this important component of most people's investment profiles.Cash Management Cash management is a vitally important discipline on Wall Street. It's no place to let your money sit...
Military Versus Economic Might
Military Versus Economic Might Posted on June 29, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, instead of being the military engine of the world, perhaps it would behoove the US, to become the economic engine of the world again? Not by financial shenanigans, or service sector growth… but by becoming an industrial power house again. Of course the government would have to get out of the way. That’s the biggest challenge. Regulation and taxes have chained down US entrepreneurs. How do I know...
Goals And Results
Goals And Results Posted on June 30, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, the world needs idealists, but it can’t be run by them… for that it needs pragmatists. Moreover, idealism is best when the idealists idealize human goods, not the means to them. Because an idealist thinks in terms of ideals not reality. So, when reality diverges from their theory, its reality that’s the problem to be solved… not their theories. They’re ideal. That’s why we have so many people committed to the...
Reflections On The Nation's Leader
The Leader. He’s spent his career in the halls of Government. He was the number two to a head of state who, although charismatic, was also highly controversial. This experience prepared him for his nation’s highest office. Still, he’s one of the oldest leaders ever to serve in that position, so questions about his health remain at the forefront of his legacy. Early in his term, he was forced to recognize the bitter failure of his country’s incursion into Afghanistan. He finally ordered the...
The Intersection of Public Health and Tyranny
On June 25th, Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy declared “gun violence” to be a public health crisis. The impacts of gun violence on our society cited in his report are absolutely true and horrible, but why are we blaming the guns? Don’t we actually have a crime problem, a law enforcement problem, a mental health problem or lifestyle problems? If a drunk driver kills someone, do we ban cars or alcohol? No, we take action to take the driver off the road and help him or her get treatment....
Ravana: Intellect Gone Wrong
Ravana, a central figure in Hindu mythology, is often depicted as a complex character whose intellect and ambition shape his role as both a villain and a tragic figure in the epic, Ramayana. Similar to Milton's Satan in "Paradise Lost," Ravana's character reflects the archetype of the intellectual rebel against divine order. Ravana's Intellect and Villainy Ravana, the king of Lanka, is renowned for his intelligence, mastery of the Vedas, and proficiency in warfare and governance. His...
Advantage In War
Advantage In War Posted on July 9, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, history records that in war, the side that commits the most war crimes, loses. During WWI Germany was pretty decent, as far as war goes, but they allied with Turkey, that committed genocide against the Armenians. Which doomed them both. In the war between the states, as much as I agree with many of the points of the South, their war crimes in Andersonville undid them. The crimes of the Nazis are well documented,...
Senator Mullen bill aims to protect children...
In an era where digital content is accessible at the click of a button, the exposure of children to inappropriate material, particularly pornography, has become a pressing issue. In response to these concerns, Senator Rónán Mullen, along with a bipartisan group of co-sponsors, has introduced the “Protection of Children (Online Age Verification) Bill” in Seanad Éireann. This Bill, which will be debated on Thursday, mandates strict age verification measures for accessing pornographic content...
The Two Schools Of Thought Around Food
The way I see it, there are pretty much two schools of thought when it comes to food-like products such as margarine. The first group focuses primarily on calories. They've read articles and maybe some research that suggests these products are somewhat healthy or, at the very least, not harmful. They're comfortable with consuming processed foods as long as there's some scientific backing, though the reasoning can vary in its validity. The second group, on the other hand, believes that the...
How Viktor Orban Became Europe's Chief...
Viktor Orban is Hungary's bigger-than-life Prime Minister. Never one to back away from conflict, Orban gained national attention when, as a student, he called for the immediate withdrawal of Soviet troops from Hungary in 1989. Just a few months later, the Soviet troops returned home. Hungary was free and independent, and the country had a new hero. Nine years later, Orban, as head of the Fidesz Party, became Prime Minister. Trained as a lawyer, Orban, nonetheless, has a real sense of free...
Protecting Freedom of Speech and Biological Sex
Last Tuesday, “A federal district court ruled... to halt the Biden administration’s illegal attempt to rewrite Title IX while the lawsuit, State of Kansas v. U.S. Department of Education, continues.” According to Alliance Defending Freedom, “The injunction covers not only the states of Kansas, Alaska, Utah, and Wyoming but also every school across the country attended by plaintiff Katie Rowland, the members of Female Athletes United, the members of Young America’s Foundation, and the minor...
Women are great at coercive control
Here we go, folk. The new attack on men has been launched. Coercive control is now a criminal offence in NSW, punishable by seven years in prison. Now the fun begins, as the NSW government launches its massive campaign to try to ensure that only the right people are punished for this newly concocted form of evil behaviour - a preview of what will happen in other states as similar laws are rolled out across the nation. Look at this list of people most at risk from coercive control, according...
The Coming Bird Flu Pandemic
The Coming Bird Flu Pandemic Posted onJuly 12, 2024 by john Dear friends, It seems to me, as ex-CDC Director Robert Redfield said, “We will have a bird flu pandemic… just a matter of time…” because the government and elite are working diligently to make it happen. We know they had bio weapon labs across Ukraine. That’s proven and admitted. Moreover, Covid was a gain of function experiment that escaped, or was set free, we don’t know yet. Then there’s the monkey pox virus, that the experts...
In Biden's America, When The Negotiations...
On November 15, 2023, Joe Biden and Xi Jinping met. After the meeting, CNN reported that Biden called Xi a dictator, which is hardly diplomatic protocol. ** Our country is currently embroiled in two wars, the War in Ukraine and the Conflict in Gaza, with the possibility of a third conflict over Taiwan. Fortunately, none of these battles currently involve American soldiers. However, each has the potential to widen into a global confrontation that would impact us all. Here is the back story...
Plausible Deniability Is A Conspiracy Theory
Plausible Deniability Is A Conspiracy Theory Posted on July 24, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, the only people in America that get the presumption of innocence, are the elite. The rest of us are guilty until proven not guilty. The charged are forever unconvicted criminals. No matter how obvious the crime and the criminal, if the perpetrator is an elite, any accusation is a conspiracy theory. Then again, if not for the double standard in law, lawyers would have no standards....
A Serpent to gaze upon...
Notes from a parent Sorry Millennials and such. Perhaps it was the drugs, but somehow my Boomer generation really dropped the ball. After the sixties, we pulled ourselves out of the purple haze, straightened up and went to work. We found Truth after years of running from it. We never told our kids the disturbing details; we just told them to accept the truth we had found because we didn’t want them to experience a repeat of our wasted youth. We protected them with church, sports, activities,...
Monotheism and Polytheism
Monotheistic Faith Systems: Unity and the Problem of Exclusion Monotheistic faith systems, which centre around the worship of a single deity, offer the benefit of a uniting principle placed at the apex of a hierarchical structure. This unifying element can foster a sense of cohesion and shared purpose among adherents. The singular focus on one deity can create a clear, consistent moral framework and a strong collective identity. For example, in Christianity, the belief in one God provides a...
The Nuclear Family
The Nuclear Family Posted on July 25, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, the nuclear family is under attack by the cultural elite, whether intentional or not. One could argue that dysfunctional families are a font of story. Moreover, they create characters that are broken enough to function in a tale. So the attacks are masked as the only source of story. Utilizing the David Copperfield approach. Though that’s not the only source of character flaw. Many people born of and raised...
Emergent Self Government
Emergent Self Government Posted on July 10, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, I’ve been thinking about alternative ways humanity could organize itself, other than hierarchical government. It must be possible to utterly change the paradigm of government from a hierarchy to a self organizing system. I have an idea of how such a thing would work but a real plan will take someone a lot smarter than me. One reason it’ll take a genius to come up with is because we’re programmed from...
Psychological Operations & Your Health w/...
7/21/24 Healthy & Awake Newsletter Hey Critical Thinkers! I hope you're all doing well. Lately, I’ve been on a new health journey that I wanted to share with you. For about three years, I struggled with persistent gut issues. Despite numerous doctor visits and tests, I couldn't find a clear solution. So, four weeks ago, I decided to take matters into my own hands and started a strict carnivore diet. My meals now consist solely of bacon, eggs, steak, butter, tallow, and raw milk—no carbs...
A Simple Rule Predicts The Future
A Simple Rule Predicts The Future Posted on July 11, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, a measure of the barbarity or civilization of mankind, is how much is built versus how much is destroyed. It’s a pretty simple measure. A metric that’s easily quantified… but is it accurate? I propose it’s not only accurate, it predicts the future. It’s accurate because history tells us it is. Human history is nothing but the record of civilizations rising and falling. When they rise there’s...
The next Middle East conflict
On October 7, 2003, Hamas unleashed one of the most horrific terrorist acts against Jews since the Holocaust. Of course, Israel retaliated with missile strikes on the Gaza Strip. Israel continues to send missile strikes because Hamas is still holding over 100 people captive in that part of Palestine. Hamas leaders really thought that Israel should not have retaliated even though Hamas started this conflict nine months ago. Their Islamic thinking had Hamas leaders so deluded that they...
Shocker. Indigenous Native American Woman...
Years ago in 2020, a precursor to this Non-Violence publication pointed out the need to start thinking about what prisons on Mars and the Moon will look like. One year later in 2021, an influential leftwing space podcast called Celestial Citizen interviewed an indigenous, First Nation native (Canadian) woman named Dawn Marsden who basically came to the same conclusions about space prisons. The original Non-Violence publication article, though, goes into technical and concrete specifics about...
God-Given Peace: John 14:15-31
Often when reading a passage from a different translation, I catch new words or ideas that I have never seen before. Perhaps this is the translation’s or translator’s fault, or maybe, the original language used a word that conveyed something more that this translation wants to draw out. Whatever the reason, this passage includes a word and an idea that I have not ever noticed before. In verse 27, we read Jesus’ promise, and see this “new” word/idea: “I’m leaving you peace. I’m giving...
Make Public Opinion Matter Again
Make Public Opinion Matter Again Posted on July 26, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, the elite are indignant, the people of Europe and America are unwilling to lower our standard of living, so the elite can feel good about themselves. How selfish of us. Which brings us to the evil of public opinion. The elite hate to have to consider the will of the governed. Especially when that opinion conflicts with their plans. The globalist elite plan to lower the population, the survivor’s...
A Human Hearted World
A Human Hearted World Posted on July 13, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, if we envision human heartedness as a house, it’s roof is reciprocity, and the Golden rule is the foundation. Reciprocity, or returning the deeds of others, is a form of justice. A kind of justice even a dog understands and is capable of. Reciprocity emerges in spontaneous play among children as well. Therefore, we can presume that reciprocity is a deeply ingrained understanding of a feeling tied to...
"'Zeitgeist'" The progenitor to the dark web
Zeitgiest, the preivew movie to the dar k web, it's mind, i'ts imagination. analsysis in the dark web, requires seriesis imagination. what does sidezgeist access as infomation. how does it mak ethings go. what is the spirit of the gzegietist. i's whati do. nevertheless the darkweb has to go somewhere. it has to *do something* let the darkweb do something, let it make things happen. whats so unique about the zodiac kindom? IT's a rela calendalr that resultz in the power to time travel?...
RING THE ALARMS! IT’S HAPPENING! GOGGINS II SEASON IS GO! That’s right, brave wave-riding individual, the first single from the oh-so long-awaited second GOGGINS album is here! Five years after the first album dropped like oh so many nukes, five years of daily messages from YOU, demanding “WHEN MORE…” At last, the Meaningwave Universe is once more to be blessed with an abundance of the kind of music that cannot exist in any other manner. GOGGINS X MEANINGWAVE = PURE NAPALM WHO’S GONNA CARRY...
Constitutional Rights
Constitutional Rights Posted on June 28, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, now the precedent has been set that a constitutional Right can be removed, by criminal statute, we can expect to see a full assault on them all. Via criminal law. Since anyone can have their constitutional Right to keep and bare arms removed by a complaint of criminal intent, why not the freedom to speak, freedom of association or of religion? Should those charged with wire fraud be allowed freedom of...
The Media Protects Big Pharma
One of the biggest failures of the mainstream media is manipulation by omission—not reporting on big stories. One recent example is the lawsuit against Pfizer by multiple states for fraud. This shouldn’t be surprising to anyone paying attention. Many, including myself, have been warning about this from day one. Let's not forget Pfizer has one of the largest criminal fines of any business. They're accused of misleading the public, among other things. I encourage people to check out the story...
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7 NIV) “Do not let your heart envy sinners, but always be zealous for the fear of the Lord. There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.” (Proverbs 23:17-18 NIV) “Many are the plans in a person’s heart,...
Wisdom And Stupidity In Action
Wisdom And Stupidity In Action Posted on July 16, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems odd to me, that someone could care less about hunger in their own town, but are livid over “starvation” in Gaza. That’s acting to stop a thing you have no control over while ignoring a thing you do. It’s so demented it’s almost Satanic. To fixate people on that which can’t be solved keeps us from solving that which we could. You and I are capable of lending a hand in our towns, donating to charity or...
How progressives play the game of Civilian...
A few weeks ago, we explored how the Biden administration is going to weaponize the nation’s public health agencies to work towards the ultimate goal of civilian disarmament. The surgeon general issued an advisory notice declaring “firearm violence” to be a “public health crisis.” As I wrote on July 1, declaring a “public health crisis” will facilitate lawfare against manufacturers, vendors, and gun owners. However, that’s not the only play in the playbook, and it’s important...
Government doubles down on what amounts to...
A Bill that will allow surrogacy is currently being debated in the Seanad as it reaches the final stages of approval. The Government tells us it will not recognise commercial surrogacy, but in fact it will do so by allowing big payments to surrogate mothers under the heading “reasonable expenses”. The Assisted Human Reproduction Bill 2022 addresses numerous issues related to artificial reproduction, such as IVF and embryo experimentation, which have deep ethical problems. However, another...
Relationship, Communication, and Reasoning
What is "thinking"? I think most people never take the time to think about what thinking really is. Of course, this is some kind of "meta-thinking". But still, there are important thoughts to think about here: What is it to "think"? Ultimately, wouldn't "thinking" be something like "playing with how to connect ideas"? You may not think correctly. You may not think exhaustively. But really, to "think" is to put ideas together and see how well they work. Well, what are "ideas"? Ultimately,...
thinkspot Newsletter July 18
Women are great at coercive control By Bettina ArndtA Human Hearted World By NumapepiProgressive Leftwing Preference for Violence Incites American Massacre & Assassination By Taminad.CrittendenWhat Career Advice Were You Given As A Child? By Sadhika PantA Miracle In Butler, Pennsylvania By ValueSideQuestion the Unquestionable By HealthyAndAwakePodcastHow Viktor Orban Became Europe's Chief Peacemaker By ValueSideJoin the ConversationChina Hates US By Octaveoctave
Reflections on Ramayana 1: Multiple Ramayana-s...
Leftist historians believe that because multiplicity of Ramayana exists, hence none of them are true and ergo Rama never existed, and therefore everything in there is a lie/made up. Repudiating them would require venturing them into territories of linear versus cyclical time’s philosophy and theology, Itihas vs history and historiography, etc. All of these have been covered by multiple people in ways better than mine, so skipping that. On the extreme right, there is an opposite and equally...
GOGGINS II Akira The Don x David Goggins The long-awaited second album… OUT NOW! PRAISE BE! That’s right, dear reader, you read correctly… After 5 long years, one month, and four days exactly, Meaninwave proudly presents the SECOND FULL LENGTH GOGGINS JOINT! 2019’s GOGGINS album is a beloved Meaningwave classic, with over 8 million streams across platforms, and I have been getting letters literally every week since asking when the next one is coming. Well, it’s not coming. IT IS HERE! And...
“May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands.” (Psalm 90:17 NIV) “Praise the Lord, all you servants of the Lord who minister by night in the house of the Lord. Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the Lord.” (Psalm 134:1‑2 NIV) “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have...
Biden Is A Deep State Asset
Biden Is A Deep State Asset Posted on July 2, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, since the deep state is so protective of Biden and his criminal enterprise, it leads me to conclude, he’s a deep state asset. Why else would they go so far to protect the man? The Biden laptop lie letter, signed by top intel bureaucrats, proves they will even destroy their own reputations to defend Biden. Turns out many are actual spooks on the payroll! Obviously this breaks a multitude of laws...
Reflections on Ramayana 1: Multiple Ramayana-s...
Leftist historians believe that because multiplicity of Ramayana exists, hence none of them are true and ergo Rama never existed, and therefore everything in there is a lie/made up. Repudiating them would require venturing them into territories of linear versus cyclical time’s philosophy and theology, Itihas vs history and historiography, etc. All of these have been covered by multiple people in ways better than mine, so skipping that. On the extreme right, there is an opposite and equally...
You May Not Know Who Jeff Zients Is, But He...
Jeff Zients and Joe Biden Controversy continues to swirl around President Biden as he campaigns to continue his lease on the White House. After last week’s disastrous presidential debate, family and staff rallied around the tottering President. Dr. Jill carefully guides the President on stage, son Hunter attends staff meetings, reports Zero Hedge. The faces are familiar as we’ve come to know Biden’s closest confidants. Except...
When He Left: John 16:16-33
While Jesus wanted to be clear with His followers, sometimes we as His followers can get things twisted in our minds when reading some of the things that He has said. As an example, a simple reading of a statement Jesus shares with His disciples prior to being arrested and crucified may cause us to be confused over what He actually meant. During this final conversation with the disciples before His arrest, Jesus tells them, “I came from the Father and entered the world; now I am leaving...
Am I An NPC?
An NPC, or non-playable character, is a term from video games referring to characters who lack personality and simply repeat programmed lines. This concept can be applied to real life, describing people who seem to lack critical thinking and individuality. I believe this is a real phenomenon, and that's why I'm bringing it up. I treat people with respect, and I'm not saying this to insult anyone. However, I think it's worth calling out because almost anyone could be susceptible to this. This...
Should we stop beginning Oireachtas sessions...
A member of Cork City Council has called for an end to saying a prayer at the start of council meetings, appealing to the principle of the ‘separation of Church and State’. Cllr Pádraig Rice noted that more than 50 years ago, the people of Ireland voted to remove the special position of the Catholic Church from the 1937 Constitution. “That seems to have been ignored by Cork City Council. With the prayer and the crucifix, it still feels like 1930s Ireland in there,” he said. But prayers are...
This Is An Historic Election Year
This Is An Historic Election Year Posted on July 5, 2024 by john Dear friends, It seems to me, this is a critical election year for nations across the planet. Britain just had an election, where Reform received 4 million votes and 4 seats, while Lib Dems received 3.2 million votes and 71 seats. Proving the British elite have saved democracy. In France, National Rally is the biggest vote getter in the first round of elections, and their victory is met with riots from the left. Imagine the...
Not Recognizing Jesus: John 21:1-14
When we look at the fishing trip the disciples took after Jesus’ resurrection, we can see an amazing picture of how God moves, and how He may choose to work in our lives. When everything has been finished, there is no question left in our minds whether it was God working or not – we just know it. After this miracle, John tells us that Jesus invites them for breakfast. John also adds that, “None of the disciples dared ask him, ‘Who are you?’ They knew it was the Lord.” (John 21:12b NIV)...
God Waits For Us: Luke 22:14-20
Often in my life, I find myself praying, and then waiting for God to answer. Perhaps you can relate with this experience. Sometimes these prayers receive a clear response, while other times, I am left waiting for a really long time, and even today, I have some prayers that I’m still waiting to receive or observe an answer for. However, while we often wait on God, have you ever thought of the idea of God waiting for us? While I’m sure for many, He is waiting for them to repent and return...
Joel Petroykus is the DA:rk WEb's Best'
I've never seen a direction like this before ad im looking forwrd to his new waitajsfdasfdsaodfasmofsoacaockaskcdlsdl film but i saw buzzzard 14 times and counting now, watciing the aclehmist coobkook twice soaw reaxer 1s cournge, and dont seew hat else to do. watch him rap up this envy with man chlallenges. joel petroykus is the bomb, joel perokus is the best. Buzzard is misliabeled an atalescondt iflmd drmaa about chllaneges. it's really about man against the system who takes...
Holding Ourselves Back
Holding Ourselves Back Posted on July 21, 2024 by john Dear friends, It seems to me, the reason we don’t get ahead, is because we hold ourselves back. We do this individually, communally and as a species. One way to hold ourselves back is by relearning lessons we’ve already learned. Getting us stuck in a loop. Often we don’t think we’re capable and so don’t even try. Other times we race blindly into the dark, holding scissors, and are shocked when we’re horribly wounded. The ways we hold...
A Greater Testimony: John 5:16-47
During a response Jesus gave to a group of Jewish leaders, He shares a statement and concept that is incredibly profound when we stop to think about it – and in this statement is something that we can all apply in our lives 2,000 years later. While giving His response, Jesus told the Jewish leaders, “If I testify about myself, my testimony is not true. There is another who testifies in my favor, and I know that his testimony about me is true.” (John 5:31-32 NIV) Perhaps you have known...
A Warning To European Leftists
A Warning To European Leftists Posted on July 23, 2024 by john Dear Friends, It seems to me, European leftists who just won would be wise to look at the Biden administration, as an example of where they’ll be in four years. They’re high on fumes right now but that’ll wear off soon enough. The moment they enact their policies the economy of Europe will go into free fall. Which will be exhilarating. Soon rampant crime will be normalized making business impossible in many places. The civil...
The Modern Corporation and its Asuric...
A Facebook friend posted about a certain school that the management of the said school is taking back part of the salary of employees in form of post-dated checks, and wondered how such people sleep at night. Almost across the board, private medical colleges have the malpractice of forcing the students to 'donate "voluntarily" ' the entire stipends they would earn, to the hospital itself, despite charging fees from them for the internship year as well! People wonder how come China has not yet...

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